Bed Bugs
Adult bedbugs are approximately 3/16-inch long, oval, flat and rusty red or mahogany colored. - Bedbugs are flat and thin when unfed, but become more elongate, plump and red in color when they are full of blood.
- Female bedbugs lay about 200-500 eggs in their lifetime.
- They glue their eggs in cracks and crevices in harborage areas.
- Eggs hatch in about seven days and nymphs molt five times, taking a blood meal between each molt. It takes about 50 days for them to become adults.
- Bedbugs tend to live in clusters and hide in cracks and crevices which are nesting areas during the day. Bedbugs prefer wood or paper surfaces to those of stone or plaster.
- Bedbugs will crawl under the moldings living between carpet and the wood.
- Bedbugs will also get into electrical outlets, under switch plate covers and hide behind paneling and wallpaper.
- Bedbugs do not fly.
- Bedbugs leave their harborage areas at night to feed on their hosts which could include man, birds, cats, dogs or other warm-blooded mammals.
- A good vacuum can be used to quickly remove exposed insects.
- Steam applications can be used to treat mattresses.
- Glue traps can be used as a monitoring device; however, they are not effective for elimination.
If you suspect a problem with these tiny bugs in your home, contact Falcon Pest Services today at 401-739-1322 or 888-232-5266 to be your professional bed bug exterminator in Rhode Island (serving all of Rhode Island including Foster, Burrillville, Coventry, West Warwick, Cranston, Providence, East Providence, Pawtucket, Woonsocket, Johnston, Smithfield, Chepachet, Central Falls, Bristol, Barrington, North Kingstown, Narragansett, Charlestown, Wakefield, Newport, Portsmouth, and Westerly) as well as SE Massachusetts.