Powder Post Beetle
Size: 1/8" to 1/4"
Shape: Narrow, Oval
Color: Reddish brown to black
Legs: 6
Wings: Yes
Antenna: Yes
Lyctid Powder Post beetles usually feed on hard woods.
Lyctid Powder Post beetles lay their eggs in cracks of wood. They are found in hardwood floors, timbers and crates, antiques and other things made of hard wood.

Lyctid Powder Post beetles dig holes in wood. They can kill or damage trees and things made from wood like furniture. There are even documented cases that powder post beetles have destroyed houses!
If you are located in Rhode Island or southeastern Massachusetts, Falcon Pest Services LLC will eliminate powder post beetles in your home or commercial building. Call us today at 401-739-1322 or 888-232-5266 to get fast results. Relief is just a phone call away!